A lot of times people are not aware that many insurance providers offer a certain amount of palliative care as part of your basic benefits.
Palliative Care
Yoga and meditation are also wonderful tools in the context of palliative care. Palliative care is considered a type of care that is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness of a chronic or long-term illness, such as cancer, MS, ALS, and more.
While I could make a case that the energetic imbalances being treated with these modalities are the cause for all underlying disease, we will simply speak to symptom control for these purposes.
Check with your insurance about your palliative care options!
A lot of times people are not aware that many insurance providers offer a certain amount of palliative care as part of your basic benefits. If you are under the long term care of a physician or considering hospice care, please consult with your team about the many benefits of these modalities. Leading hospitals and physicians all over the world are seeing the importance of these practices in their patients care.